Research and Development

Emerging Technology

Connecticut Analytical Corporation has been successful in providing engineering services, commercial manufacturing, expert analysis in legal cases, innovative medical research, and performing cutting edge government sponsored research which includes the National Academy of Science, NASA, US Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, to name a few. CAC has developed new and novel methods for providing noninavsive diagnostic medical testing and CAC has an excellent reputation and is known world wide for our variety of gas detection and monitoring equipment for use in specialized medical applications such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

CAC Diagnostics is currently perfecting new proprietary technologies that do not depend on traditional wet chemistry clinical methods and technologies suited for chemical & biological counter-terrorism defense. All research operations are under the direction of our VP Research, Dr. John B. Fenn, 2002 Nobel Laureate Chemistry. Our Scientific Advisory Board includes leading scientists and medical professionals from MIT, Yale, Cal-Tech, University of Colorado Health Science Center, to name a few.

CAC research facilities include thousands of square feet of research and development space, including the capability to design medical instrument prototypes, full CAD development, and final product manufacturing. Fortune 500 customers include GE Medical, Varian Vacuum Products, and the DoD, to name a few. Specialized research equipment includes ElectroSpray Ionization Mass Spectrometers, high vacuum systems for electrospray ion satellite propulsion research, chemical & bio-warfare agent detection utilizing ESI gettering, polymer research and electrospinning of nano polymers for industrial & medical applications.

Aerosol generating equipment, aerosol & environmental test chambers, laser particle detection/counting equipment, video microscopy, Immunoassay, Blood CBC, ultrasound, and data collection equipment are also available at CAC facilities.